Social Work Education Guides

Overall, there are 1,356 colleges and universities that offer a social work degree at all levels. The most popular degree is the Bachelors of Social Work, with 774 total programs. There are 327 Master of Social Work degrees, 176 Associate of Social Work programs. There are also numerous Doctoral level (DSW and Ph.D.) programs, which are terminal social work degrees, offered at schools across the United States.


Earning a BSN

If you are interested in a nursing career, there are many different pathways available to you. Most nurses will try to achieve their bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN) to enable them to become a registered nurse (RN). From there, however, they can choose to go to earning their master’s degree in nursing (MSN) as well, allowing them to become advanced practice nurses. Choosing whether or not to do this depends on a number of important factors.


College Students and Smoking: The Concern

As of July 1, 2018, approximately 2,212 U.S. college and university campuses are now entirely smoke-free, according data provided by the American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation. A majority of these institutions (1,853 in total) are also completely tobacco free, and 1,790 of them report that they have eliminated the use of e-cigarettes, too.
This is obviously great news for those who are trying to stop this potentially deadly behavior, but why is the issue of smoking among college students so important?


LGBTQIA+ Healthcare and Education

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