AGE: 24
Maka Monture has been surrounded by Northwest Coast Art her entire life, starting from her early childhood in Britsh Columbia. She has practiced traditional Tlingit carving, weaving, beading, and painting her entire life from many incredible teachers. She is inspired by the artwork of Tlingit artists, Crystal Worl and Alison Marks.
Dig your Paddle Deep” depicts a Matriarch leading a young person to pull a canoe forward in the midst of a storm. The storm represents the collective obstacles that face indigenous people. They are guided by Constellations and the North Star used for navigation in ancient times. Below them, an ancestor does not leave them. The tentacle of a devilfish/octopus pursues them to depict our own traumas and fears that latch and pursue us. Traumas that we must not look back on, but use to power us forward.