Brave Heart Fellowship

Youth lead advocacy and protection of traditional lands, waterways and sacred sites

Empowering Native American youth to become cultural knowledge keepers of lands, waterways and sacred sites, and advocating for better policies that protect these spaces.

About the Program

The Brave Heart Fellowship works to uplift youth voices while addressing the representation gap and inequities facing Indigenous Peoples in the fight for climate justice.

The 2024 Brave Heart Fellowship is for self-identified Native American and Indigenous youth, ages 18-24 years old, living in one of the following states: Alaska, Idaho, Northern California, Oregon and Washington. This youth-led program equips Native youth to advocate and mobilize across their communities to protect traditional lands, waterways, and sacred sites. Through a culturally immersive curriculum, BHF prioritizes intergenerational learning spaces with tribal leaders and community elders who have long been on the front lines of climate change. The duration of the Fellowship will last from January – June 2024.

Interested? Email Katy Stewart at to learn more.

Learn About our Partners

The Pisces Foundation is to advance strategic solutions to natural resource challenges and prepare the next generation by supporting environmental learning. We collaborate, innovate, and work respectfully in our community.

The National Recreation Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the role of recreation as a positive force in improving the quality of life of youth. We do this by investing in recreation programs serving those who are economically, physically, or mentally disadvantaged.