AGE: 10
My name is Kenny. I’m 10 years old. My heritage has always been important to me. I live close to the reservation and enjoy learning about natural plants and medicines. I have had a business at www.littlebusinessmen.com since I was 4. This summer we added spirit animal necklaces after writing a book with traditional native animals. Spirit animals teach us about ourselves, help us respect nature, and appreciate the differences and gifts of others. We all are part of a big picture and we all count. My spirit animal is a dog/wolf: loyal, playful, loving and smart.
My spirit animal necklaces that I have made are a moose and a fox. These are the first necklaces I made with my own artwork. A moose is strong, big, and proud. Maybe a little clumsy and goofy. A fox is very sneaky and quick. Foxes solve problems. Many people do not know their spirit animal. It can be fun showing others to learn more about themselves by looking at their spirit. We all are part of the same world but have different roles to play. We all belong. I am a Native youth and I count.