Maree Mahkewa

Maree Mahkewa is 21 years old. Her Indian name is Paaqupmana which means Bamboo/Reed Girl. She is a member of the Hopi Nation and comes from the Corn Clan in the Village of Tewa. Maree is part of the inaugural cohort of the Center for Native American Youth’s Ambassadors for Land Conservation. She currently attends Northern Arizona University where she is majoring in Environmental Sustainability Studies and minoring in Psychology and Sustainable and Resilient Communities. Maree currently works with the Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture Institute as an Americorps VISTA, learning the innerworkings of creating healthy sustainable communities and food systems while integrating indigenous teachings and methodologies. Maree currently serves on the board for the ‘Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture’ as a Youth Ambassador. She is involved in many projects like the ‘First Mesa Inaugural Earth Day Clean-Up’ and the ‘First Mesa Erosion Control Project.’