RedCan 2024: The Transformational Power of Art, Community and Civic Engagement

As longtime partners of the Cheyenne River Youth Project, CNAY was honored to have several team members attend the 10th annual RedCan Invitational Graffiti Jam.


Building Both Toolsets

By Nyché Andrew “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House.” – Audre Lorde Date of publication – The quote above suggests that better treatment of others cannot exist on the terms of the oppressor. In my first semester of college, I felt as if I was leaving my home and family in order […]


What is Resilience?

Written by Nyché Tyme Andrew re·sil·ience  /rəˈzilyəns/  noun  the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.  the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.  In the study of environmental science, there are patterns that emerge in nature for ecosystems that undergo any kind of event. The term “resilience” is used […]