The Tragedy of Native American Youth Suicide (2010) by Senator Byron Dorgan
Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010
Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 (bill summary or full text under Title II) and a resources page from the National Indian Law Library.
7th Generation Promise (2009)
Indian Youth Suicide Prevention Act of 2009 (See bill summary or text)
Access to Mental Health Services at Indian Health Service and Tribal Facilities (2011)
The 2011 report from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. This report helps determine the extent to which AI/ANs have access to mental health services at IHS and tribal facilities.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Department of Interior: BIA provides services to approximately 1.9 million American Indians and Alaska Natives, and administers and manages 55 million surface acres and 57 million acres of subsurface minerals estates held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes and Alaska Natives.
Code Talk
Code Talk is designed to deliver federal agency information to Native American communities.