It is for my relatives that have come before me and my relatives who will come after me that I am proud of my Indigeneity and who I am. I am St. Lawrence Island Siberian Yupik and Kenaitze Indian.
“The Indigenous Futures Survey is a way for the stories of Indian country to be given a voice. It is a venue for our collective experience as Native peoples and will allow for the identification and triage of the most pressing issues facing our communities. “
Without the important information collected through this survey, pushing forward a collective national Native agenda will be much harder.
Please go and complete the Indigenous Futures Survey today! Do it for the futures generations. If your family members need help, step up and help them in the safest way possible. Call up your grandmas and grandpas, aunties and uncles, and talk them through it over the phone.
Visit to take the survey and learn more.

Samuel Schimmel is an Alaska Native youth who spends part of his year as one of only two Native students in his urban Seattle school. The remainder of his year is spent with family in rural Alaskan villages. In Alaska, Sam’s passion for subsistence hunting and fishing keeps him connected to tradition and infuses his efforts to combat issues like suicide, drug abuse, and cultural disconnectedness. Having seen the effects of climate change in Alaska firsthand, Sam is also an avid environmentalist, working to raise awareness of its effects on tribal communities.