10/3 Gen-I NOW: Heinz College Visitation Weekend

Heinz College located in Pittsburgh, PA, is a graduate school that emphasizes experiential learning. They are now welcoming students to register for their Fall Visit to learn more about the school and all it offers. This two-day, November 9-10, 2018, event is designed to provide you with a 360-degree view of Carnegie
Mellon University and Heinz College. You will meet faculty, administrators, and current students to learn about the curriculum, career development services, internship opportunities, financial aid, work study, the city of Pittsburgh, and much more. Registrations are being accepted on a rolling basis.

CNAY is a strategic partner of Heinz and students in our networks can receive a $250 travel stipend. Email hnzadmit@andrew.cmu.edu for details on how to register for the Fall Visit transportation subsidy. Scholarships are also available for CNAY-affiliated students who enroll to
study at Heinz.

ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible to attend the Fall Visitation, you must:

      • Be a prospective graduate student; and
      • Be interested in learning more about programs in Information Systems & Management, Public Policy & Management, and Arts & Entertainment Industry Management.

TO REGISTER: Create an online account and list CNAY as your affiliated Strategic Partner.

QUESTIONS? Email hnzadmit@andrew.cmu.edu.