Azelya Yazzie Wins Eighth Generation T-Shirt for Participating in Gen-I Survey

Azelya Yazzie is 18 years old and is Blackfeet and Navajo. She is an active member of her San Diego community and one day hopes to work with her tribal leadership to promote Indigenous food awareness and develop more programs for urban Native youth.

Azelya has worked as both a volunteer and intern for the USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service Earth Team. This experience gave her valuable knowledge about soil, water and air quality conservation, which she hopes will enhance her efforts to grow access to healthy foods in her community. As a youth leader for the Inter-Tribal Agricultural Council, Azelya is a voice for urban Native youth and advocates for culture and language preservation.

Azelya participated in the 2017 Gen-I Survey for the opportunity to be a leader, give input about her community, and to yet again serve as an advocate for Native youth. Azelya was randomly selected to receive an Eighth Generation t-shirt as a gift for sharing her perspective with the Center for Native American Youth. Thanks, Azelya! Enjoy!

This post contributed by Newman’s Own Foundation Fellow Del Curfman.