Audrie Garcia

18, Cherokee My art is about how we are nothing without the past. I would not be here are apart of the tribe without my ancestors. So my piece shows inspiring figures in history who helped our people. I hope to be someone as great as them. My piece also has the words coming together […]


Adrienne Leddy

24, Chamorro This piece incorporates my people being from a land of rivers and waterfalls. In our creation story, we are made from the same stone that we built our houses on. This symbol is repeated in a pattern across the stars, our source of celestial navigation, and our waters. In the water is a […]


Joslyn Marie Red Hawk – Valandra

19, Rosebud Sioux Tribe I used a meadow landscape on the left to represent the peace and flowing stability to represent my people. The flowers are representing the many women and children that were taken from our tribes. The right landscape shows a storm, representing the hardships my people have overcome and will overcome in […]


Xatímniim Renee Drake

18, Karuk Tribe My art piece represents little pieces of my cultural background, including how culture is important to me and my family. My piece has basketry, gathering materials, and regalia which are very important to our culture. Art has supported me through a lot, I recently lost my mom and art has kept me […]