Jan 4 Gen-I NOW: GenIndigenous Response Fund

ʔi, syaʔyaʔ — (Hello, Friend in the Lushootseed Language)! This Gen-I Native Opportunities Weekly (NOW) message shares information about the #GenIndigenous Response Fund. About the Fund Native Americans in Philanthropy (NAP) is now accepting proposals for funding from the Generation Indigenous (#GenIndigenous) Response Fund. The fund supports youth organizing and activism that responds to current movements — […]


Zach Garcia – Pianist, Vocalist, and Composer

As Zach Garcia explains it, he’s always wanted to be a musician – well, except for those few brief years in middle school when he had his sights set on being an NBA player. The 2012 Ada High School graduate certainly possesses the musical gene. Both of his parents are musicians, and his father, W.T. […]


CNAY Participates in Facebook Live Session on Standing Rock

CNAY Program Coordinator Teddy McCullough and Nicholas Courtney, a Native youth from the Makah and Modoc Nations, joined the Aspen Institute for aFacebook live discussion on how the Standing Rock Movement affects Native youth across Indian Country. Both panelists highlighted the importance of building alliances and elevating Native youth perspectives to a national platform. Watch and comment.


CNAY Represents Native Women at White House Summit

On December 16, CNAY Program Manager Josie Raphaelito joined a panel discussion with the White House Council on Women and Girls, which held their final event on women and girls of color. At the event, the Council released an updated report to promote progress made over the past year. In attendance were more than 180 stakeholders, including philanthropic leaders, nonprofit leaders, […]